Fountain Plants Ltd.
Silver Mist Nurseries
Line Side, Hubberts Bridge
Boston, Lincolnshire, PE20 3RA.
Directors: Robin Fountain. Nick Fountain.

From the A17 (East or West)
From the A1121 towards Boston (the railway line will be on your right hand side).
Fountain Plants is on your left hand side.
For HGV's and Tractors:
Take the second left off the A1121 (Claydyke Bank).
The entrance to Fountain Plants is via the first set of gates on the left hand side.
For Cars only:
The entrance to Fountain Plants is directly off the A1121. (Approx. 1.8 miles from A17).
From the A52 (from Boston)
Leave Boston on A1121 (towards Sleaford).
At the first roundabout take the first exit (train line on your left).
Continue on A1121 through Hubberts Bridge crossroads.
For HGV's and Tractors:
Take the second right off the A1121 (Claydyke Bank).
The entrance to Fountain Plants is via the first set of gates on the left hand side.
For Cars only:
The entrance to Fountain Plants is directly off the A1121 a further 200 yards on the right hand side.
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